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Remember Who You Are

March 21, 2018·Lisa Bolar

If you’re joining us in our Pause Bible Reading Plan, today you began reading in the Book of Numbers. The focus is on the Law given to Moses, and I’ll be the first to admit…these few books can be a difficult read. It’s a thrilling adventure from Creation to Abraham, Joseph’s amazing story of God’s redemption, the miraculous deliverance of God’s people out of Egypt. I mean, the movie scripts write themselves! Then the action-packed story seemingly comes to a screeching halt, and a loooooooong list of instructions are given to God’s people. Let’s face it – these Old Testament instructions for living God’s way can be difficult to understand and respond to. Sometimes, when I read them, I wonder, “Why would a loving and gracious God be such a stickler? Why does He care about where each tribe sets up camp? Why does He care what color each piece of cloth is around the Ark of the Covenant…or the outfits of everyone serving in the tent of meeting?”

There’s one word that sums up the whole point of the law and why it was such a big deal to God when it came to establishing His people:


Many of us (myself included) can get a knot in our stomach when we hear that word. For some, it’s because it conjures up images and memories of legalism and paints a picture of a God we don’t feel we can relate to. For others, it draws immediate attention to our own lack of holiness.

But what does holiness really mean? I think we often insert our own definition: Being perfect and never making a mistake. Now, while that is certainly true of God, it’s not what the word means.

Holiness means: SET APART.

Holiness is something separate, something different, something special.

When He gave these specific instructions for the Israelites, He was calling them to live out their true identity as God’s chosen people. He didn’t establish rules to limit them; He gave guidelines, as Father and Creator, so they could fulfill their divine purpose. It was as if He was constantly telling them, “REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.”

And if you just heard Mufasa’s voice in your head, then you read that right.

My prayer for you, as you continue reading in these Books of the Law, is that you will be reminded of who you are – you are HIS.

Today, we know that we aren’t under Old Testament Law anymore, because Jesus fulfilled the Law and brought grace and forgiveness through His death on the Cross…yet, He still calls us to be holy, as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16).

We often think of holy living as a list of do’s and don’ts to earn God’s favor. But in Hebrews 12:10, we see that we are called to “SHARE in His holiness.” It doesn’t say, “Try not to make a mistake for the sake of a good track record and a clear conscience…or else…” No. You share something with someone because you know it’s good, and you want them to experience it too.

He’s calling you to a life of holiness, separateness, differentness, because YOU ARE TOO VALUABLE for anything else! You were bought at the highest price – the Blood of Jesus. Romans 8 says you are no longer a slave, you are a child of God – an heir to the King. He doesn’t want you to live as a slave to destructive patterns that ultimately hurt you and rob you of joy, peace and wholeness. Because, “you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for He called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9).

It’s who you are.

Pastor Lisa Bolar

The Church on the Way