December 30, 2020·tcotw
As a mom of two young and very energetic boys, I am constantly aware of my lack. At times, it all seems above my pay grade. Then, you add in caring for these two totally dependent children in the midst of a pandemic, with no outside help, and it is pure exhaustion at times. Anyone else? But the good news is, it’s OK to have need. It’s OK to be weak. It’s OK to be vulnerable. Need might actually be the beginning of health. Thirst might actually be the beginning of nourishment.
Did you know that approximately 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? Walking around completely oblivious to the body’s thirst. Do we, as Christians, do the same thing? Do we walk around acting full, when often we’re so very thirsty? Do we talk about overflowing, while unaware of our own dehydration? I mean, boasting in our weakness is easier said than done. Acknowledging our own lack costs us something.
Revelation 22:17, included in this week’s Pause Bible reading plan, states that, “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ Let anyone who hears this say, ‘Come!’ Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.”
See, the water of life is free… to those who come. Who comes? The thirsty. Drinking first starts with a thirst, with need. Do you know your thirst today? Do you listen to your weakness? Do you take the time to evaluate your own spiritual health? Unless we are willing to acknowledge our pain, our own depravity, our weakness, we will never truly be thirsty enough. Thus, we may never come to drink. And how then can we overflow, if we do not first drink? We risk walking around dehydrated, all while thinking we are nourished and are nourishing others.
Church, may we end this year humbled and changed. May we be more acquainted with our own thirst. We do not have what it takes for our nourishment. It’s above our pay grade, and that’s OK! If you feel so very thirsty today, be encouraged! The thirsty go to drink! Our lack brings us to the stream. The good news is that it’s not dependent upon our ability, but simply our acknowledgement. We really can boast in our weakness. Do you thirst today? Great! Come and drink freely.
Pastor Kalli Davis