October 30, 2019·Jasmine Penkey
I remember the sweet days of having a newborn. Mom and Dad are learning the unique and ever-changing needs of their little one. They quickly discover their child’s likes, dislikes, sleep patterns, personality, feeding schedule, and so much more! Taking care of this tiny human being is a unique honor and privilege, but also a great responsibility.
I remember the days seemed long, but the nights were even longer. Waking every two hours to feed the baby, periodically checking to see his chest rising up and down while he slept, or rocking him back to sleep. Though that season was exhausting, many times finding myself dozing off or wanting to doze off, I felt like I understood the depth of what it meant to “labor in love.”
Psalm 121:3-4 says, “He will not let your foot slip — He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” When I read this passage of Scripture, it reminds me that God is a caring Father who watches over His children ALWAYS. He labors in love on our behalf. He never dozes off or tires while He cares for us. He doesn’t cower from the great responsibility to care for His children. He is watchful, attentive, and protects us. He never skips a beat.
Today, I challenge you to rest in our Father’s love. Take comfort in God’s desire to always care for us. May we be challenged to daily put our confidence in Him and continue to discover the depth of His unending love for us.
Pastor Jasmine Penkey