April 29, 2020·Jon Berglund
“Into Your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, LORD, my faithful God.”
— Psalm 31:5
What does it mean to commit your spirit to the LORD?
Think of it like putting an important document in a safety deposit box. You don’t anticipate the document getting destroyed; otherwise, you wouldn’t put it in the box. Rather, the box is for security. Any sacrifice is momentary.
So it is to commit your spirit to the LORD.
When we pray Psalm 31, we’re not giving up to grief — we’re giving over to God. We’re entrusting our spirit to God’s great care. We’re letting our loss be mingled with His love and looking forward to His deliverance.
The Gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus quoted some of these words right before He died — literally, before he “ex-spirited” (Luke 23:46). But as we all know, Jesus’ spirit wasn’t gone, and God was not faithless. Actually, quite the opposite: God raised Jesus from the dead and vindicated Him. Death had been reduced to just one more affliction to be delivered from.
God is faithful. God is always faithful. And God sees His servant through every situation.
How is God inviting you to trust Him, and so entrust yourself to Him, today?
“Praise be to the LORD, for He showed me the wonders of His love when I was in a city under siege.”
— Psalm 31:21
Pastor Jon Berglund