September 2, 2020·TD Davis
Anyone else been discouraged lately?
In the midst of my ongoing roller coaster of quarantine ups and downs, I received a fascinating quote in my email Inbox a couple weeks ago:
“A team of 2–3 can reach 100,000… a few can make a powerful difference.”
This quoted leader is currently tracking worldwide Gospel movements that range from 65,000 in number to around 1.3 million. Based on his own observable data, he affirmed this is what happens when we are “planting the Gospel to where it gets four generations deep on multiple strands.”
I don’t know about you, but one of the tensions I’ve faced in this season is feeling like my personal dreams, visions, and life goals almost feel like they are on “pause” (no pun intended…ha!). So, as a hope-filled Jesus follower, created with purpose, it begs the question:
Am I even being effective in this season?
For this reason, a scripture leapt off the pages in Galatians that deeply encouraged me this week:
“James, Cephas and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised” (Galatians 2:9).
As a “new generation” disciple, Paul lists 3 “pillars” that encouraged Barnabas and him to keep the Gospel multiplication legacy of God’s mission going: James (Jesus’ brother), as well as two-thirds of His “inner circle” of disciples, Peter (aka Cephas) and John.
Who were these pillars? A family member of Jesus and 2 people Jesus intentionally discipled.
Let me repeat that again, as the Holy Spirit did for me:
A family member of Jesus and 2 people Jesus intentionally discipled.
Even within my quarantine constraints and concerns, there’s a simple but profound truth for Gospel legacy at hand: My family is right in front of me, and “outside” relational connection is only a computer screen (or phone call) away.
Fortunately, we are on the side of history to know the effects of this type of simple, consistent relational investment: Nearly 1/3 of the world’s current population identifies as Jesus followers. Jesus’ main vehicle for effective change, revival, and massive multiplication happened through good ol’ fashioned relationship.
So even with the current limitations, what would it look like for us to create intentional margin in our schedules and “invest in a few”?
Because, “a team of 2–3 can reach 100,000… a few can make a powerful difference.”
Pastor T.D. Davis