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The End, and the Beginning

January 2, 2019·Tim Clark

This week, we’ve turned a corner from 2018 into 2019, ending one year and beginning another. Concurrently, if you’re following the Pause Bible Reading Plan, you finished the Old and New Testaments, and began again the story of redemption told throughout the Bible.

The Old Testament ends with the Book of Malachi, calling God’s people back to wholehearted worship and preparing them for the coming of Jesus. The New Testament ends with the Book of Revelation, a book that unveils the last days, but is also about repentance and worship, and keeps a clear focus on Jesus.

The end of both testaments, just like the end of a year, reminds us to return to God, repent of anywhere we’ve missed the mark, and simply, deeply, fully worship Jesus.

The Old Testament starts with the Book of Genesis, presenting God’s created purpose for humankind, exposing our breaking away from that purpose and revealing the redemptive solution to recovering relationship with God, pointing to Jesus who would destroy the work of the evil one. The New Testament starts with the story of Jesus’ ministry (our PAUSE plan starts in the Gospel of Luke), as He begins to bring “Peace on Earth,” to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God and to initiate the year of freedom (Jubilee).

The beginning of both testaments, just like the beginning of a year, reminds us that God, in Jesus, has determined “Good News” for us, as He proclaims redemption and life and freedom and purpose for all that’s ahead.

As we start 2019, I want to encourage you to wrap up the loose ends, repent and return to God in every area that’s necessary to do so, and embrace the ministry and the message of Jesus in your life.

Let’s dig deep into the Word of God together in 2019 and encounter Jesus together.

Pastor Tim

The Church on the Way