November 17, 2021·Shaina Webb
1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in Me. 27Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
— John 14:1 & 27
After reading this week’s passages in our Pause reading plan, I kept coming back to this verse, probably because it is one my favorite verses in the Bible; it’s one I repeat to myself on a daily basis, and I’ve meditated on this verse consistently the past year-and-a-half.
I love the way Jesus communicates… He instructs us to not be troubled or afraid, matter of fact and concise. He never said it would be easy, but He offers us a solution. If we live in His peace, we’re able to walk through our fears, with the understanding that the Lord has already given us the key, the direction, the way to walk… untroubled and unafraid in His peace. If you look at the first verse of John chapter 14, you will see Jesus begins His teaching with “do no let your hearts be troubled,” which is the same directive He ends the chapter with. I think the Lord was trying to get this point across, so much so, that He said it twice in one conversation! He encourages His disciples (and us) to not be troubled or afraid, and, as Jesus always does, He gives us an action… walk in His peace and believe in Him.
If you were at church a few weeks ago, you heard Pastors Tim and Jon talk about fear, end times, and the idea that our fears can control us, causing us to elevate and ultimately idolize them. What an idea. What we fear the most is something we begin to idolize; it’s all we think about, it consumes our days and nights. Fear is powerful, it can be debilitating, it can cause anxiety, depression, nervous breakdowns, and so much more. However, how sweet of our Father that He encourages us to not let our heart be troubled and to not be afraid. He states this directive quite clearly, and He not only tells us how not to live, but He gives us the answer on how to live, in His peace.
I don’t know where you are today, but I do know fear is something that can control us, IF we give it the power to do so. This week, may we ask the Lord to show us the ways we have allowed fear to consume us, causing idols to take the place of His presence and fear to take the place of His peace. Dear one, accept the Lord’s hand and walk in His peace.
Shaina Webb