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Jesus: The Ultimate Friend

November 14, 2018·Abby PreJean

While diving into the Gospels, we see that Jesus has a lot of close friends in His life. This band of brothers was called the twelve disciples.

They were close. So close, in fact, that Jesus, in John 13, decides to wash their feet, leading up to His soon coming betrayal and death.

Let’s flip this for a second. Shouldn’t the disciples be washing Jesus’ feet, without question, denial or thought? They are aware that Jesus’ death is coming. This is not a new concept.

But once again, Jesus flips the script and does something notable, admirable, and counterintuitive to human nature. He humbles Himself and shows love with action. He’s not only going to be the sacrifice for atonement in a matter of days, but He chooses to be the example, in that moment, to people who know Him well. He practices what He preaches and serves His friends, even when they don’t get it. He chooses to even serve a man who was about to betray Him.

Let’s take a peep into John 13, at one of the points Jesus says to the disciples after their comments, questions, and concerns (I’m looking at you, Peter) about the feet washing…

John 13:14-15
“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”

He couldn’t make it any clearer. Jesus is telling, nay, showing, His disciples how to serve one another first. Because, frankly, they are going to get the Great Commission later, and they’re going to want to be prepared for that.

I sit back and wonder how Jesus was feeling at that moment. You’re the Son of God, sent to Earth to be a sacrifice to save the world from it’s disgusting, tarnishing, untamable sin. You only get three years in ministry. The learned, religious folks are always getting on You for something. You aren’t accepted in Your own town, and even Your disciples don’t always believe You. But they are down for the ride (or walk in those times), so that must amount for something. You know You’re going to die soon, and You’ve known who will betray You. You’ve even accepted Your betrayer in Your inner circle, despite Satan controlling his heart. And another one of Your disciples will deny You not once, not twice, but three times! Not to mention, You’re about to die, take a trip to hell, and raise from the dead. It’s a lot.

Yet, in this moment, knowing all that, Jesus still serves humbly. He still gives of Himself, and He explains what He’s doing. He’s setting the tone of what He wants through the people who will soon be reflecting on His memory, grieving His temporary loss, pinching themselves about His return, and then sharing His gospel.

Jesus has the ultimate serve. He serves people He knows, He doesn’t know, people who betray Him, people who don’t believe Him, and people who just want His supernatural touch. He’s the ultimate Friend.

Pastor Abby PreJean

The Church on the Way